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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Why do we feel we should learn more?! Why the feeling of incompleteness, the human beings experience? Yes, it is an experience of feeling incomplete or wanting to become complete! There are numerous such subtle experiences the human Mind goes through! But only an analyzing attitude can identify them as experiences! The very feeling of wanting is an experience! Then, can all the thoughts in reality be categorized as a variety of experiences?!!

One needs total confidence to make this statement! And the confidence can originate only through real experience!!

Consequently, can we state that there are no illusions but only Truth?! This amounts to state that both illusion and actual experience are one and the same!!

Is it possible to experience clarification of the above statement? Yes, it is, and this happens when one experiences it himself!!!
Curiosity is an interesting function the human beings experience! It is the stepping stone to invoke deeper interest to learn more. Curiosity also functions in two ways. One is positive and the other is negative.

Positive curiosity facilitates progress and its negative counterpart retards positive progress. Therefore, one has to be able to differentiate between the two!

It will be surprising if it is stated that both positive and negative curiosity actually aid in truthful progress! And it is a fact which is a Natural phenomenon! But one will come to understand the reality only after going through such an experience!

Ultimately, our practical experiences will turn out to be the true Bible! The Bible of our life! One can truly rely on this Bible of life with complete faith and confidence!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Any accomplishment is the result of accepting a challenge! Therefore, each one of us must attempt to challenge the routine and unwanted thoughts passing through our Mind! The act of introspection must be taken as a challenge. In other words we must try and apply brakes on the unwanted thoughts and correct them for achieving optimum progress and welfare of others.

All thoughts aimed at self profit will definitely lead to blockage of spontaneous thought flow which in turn destroys the compassionate character of the heart. Once the compassionate character of the heart is subdued, the thought structure created in our Mind becomes rigid leading to hardheartedness.  In other words, Man turns into a selfish and cruel being!
Therefore, the inference that the human Mind is like a monkey is true! A monkey needs to keep itself busy by jumping from one spot to another or plucking or snatching fruits and eatables. Or if its stomach is full, it will be found in the company of another monkey either scratching or getting scratched!! We also find them fighting or chasing one another!

In other words, a monkey is constantly restless! Many of us humans imitate this nature with all joy and pomp!!
We enjoy being restless! And so, Man looses precious time to pursue the study of his own nature!

Studying one's nature  fine tunes the brain and we evolve as caring, responsible and worthy citizens of society.
Can a human being exist without any thoughts?
A person living in society feels compulsive need to be in constant company of someone! Some keep themselves in the company of  family, friends and with colleagues at office.

Some look for company of strangers! Chance meetings on trains, buses, in stores, on streets and in fact somewhere and anywhere!

In these days of the electronic age, chatting through the web, over the phone is a constant phenomena. Hence, Man considers keeping silent without any company as abnormal!!

Teachers and parents keep an eye on such individuals. People in society also avoid people who are silent!!

On analyzing the above behavior of people in society, it becomes clear that most human beings prefer to keep their Mind occupied perpetually!!!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can the human Mind be made to work overtime? !!
If it is possible to overwork the Mind, then it will be interesting to probe who is getting this thought of overworking the Mind!! Is there a separate entity within us who is the controller of Mind? Or is the Mind itself creating such an illusion?

When the body and Mind are tired, we feel both have to be rested. Does this indicate that there are two sources of thoughts and counter thoughts! Therefore, what is the reality of the function of the human Mind? Can the function of the Mind be deciphered to the complete satisfaction of our curiosity! Can we be truly convinced with any answer? Or do we meekly nod in satisfaction since we are helpless in getting a completely satisfying answer?
It is interesting to note that Man experiences a continuous flood of thoughts. Not a moment passes without a thought in our Mind. Many a time, we find ourselves either scratching our head or our chin trying to think of a word which is an apt thought for use in a certain situation. Some of us pull at our ear and some place their chin in their cupped hands thoughtfully! Yes thoughtfully! For there is not a moment when thoughts are absent.

Man's conscious existence is perpetually co-existing with a variety of thoughts! Thoughts which can be divided into infinite categories! Hence, Mind of Man falls into infinite variety!! Each Man and Woman is subject to infinite variety and quantity of thoughts and are definitely  moulded as a unique personality based on the variety of thoughts passing through their individual Minds.

Mother Nature is the Master of every creation! But Nature lovingly has granted the power of discrimination to the human Mind. Therefore, Man is able to take a corrective action after going through a certain unpleasant experience as a consequence of certain thoughts and actions.
As we proceed analyzing our thoughts and actions and the consequent results, our Mind is energized and jumps to an action mode! The cells in the brain are activated! The cells develop the capability of multi-tasking or the thought process happens continuously. There are definite changes visible in the face, character and the body. Since the brain is an all important part of the nervous system, the thought process has a definite and powerful impact on the individual as a whole. The secretions of the various glands in the body get altered!

Therefore, consumption of different types of food affects the working of these glands and their balance is affected. This fact throws light on the importance of the thought process and the intake of food.

Fine tuning of the brain is therefore possible by disciplining the input of thoughts into the brain and consuming ideal food!!
Man exercises his will for carrying out every thought and action. Therefore, the Mind has a definite role to play in the conscious actions of all who live on earth. Even animals are driven by hunger and thirst and act according to the directions of the thoughts passing through their Mind at the moment.

In humans, the capability to analyse the consequences of our thoughts and actions develops gradually as time passes consequent to the experiences, our daily life involves. Therefore, Man realizes the fact that he has to use his intelligence in order to reap a pleasant or a profitable experience.

We understand that Man is endowed with a free will and he can therefore choose to be either a slave or a master of his thoughts and actions.

A normal person is focussed only on the profitable result for himself. Or at least he makes sure that the profits of his actions accrue to himself first! Is this action of Man spontaneous or a focussed process?

Friday, December 25, 2009

Today is 25th December, the birthday of Jesus Christ. 2 and 5 written side by side makes it 25. Two and Five also sound close to TRUE and FIRE. True is everything that exists and sharp and true like Fire. Fire, we all know burns or consumes all that comes into its contact. Similarly Jesus was born as the Fire destined to consume the very existence of human consciousness thereby engulfing the entire creation as the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit is the same Fire of TRUTH which permeats the entire cosmos as energy! The Life Energy!!

We humans as well as all living beings derive this life energy and exist as long as this life energy is present within all our bodies.

All those who recognize the fact, all that exists is this same life force are freed from confusion and the resulting wrongful  thoughts and actions!

None of us need to get preached to be truthful and be considerate towards others for a peaceful existence. But the fact is, we willfully act and believe that we are different from each other creating problems to all including ourselves!

Let us wake up to this fact and change our view of the world we live in as the sphere of the all pervading Holy Spirit energizing the entire creation. Let us exist with peace and contentment and joy as One Big Family of this Supreme Energy!!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The act of Focusing leading to contemplation happens as a Natural process only when we invoke our curiosity to think with conviction and continuously. This can also be termed as concentration without interruption. But how can we concentrate without a pause? Do we not pause to think of thoughts on which we should concentrate on?
Further, the very act of applying our Mind to think and then select some of the thoughts to concentrate  on to go deeper and deeper might land us in the paradise of assumptions which can be termed as illusion!

Therefore, can we then infer that first creation of illusion through assumptions can take us to a state of Meditation?
Well, to a certain extent, it is true. But true Meditation is beyond illusion! True Meditation is a state of continuous existence in reality. Reality within our conscious existence which is not at all an illusion! But full of experience of various phenomena.

Witnessing the constant and continuous phenomena of our life on earth and our participation by compulsorily going through our part of experiences involving joy, happiness, sufferings, etc is the actual state of Meditation!!

The realization of our very existence on earth as the true and ultimate state of Meditation is gained after lapse of a huge and long period of time!!
Explore we must, Analyse we must. Combine we must, both functions of exploration and Analysis to understand the nature of thoughts we witness.The act of exploration through observance of thoughts originating in our Mind throws light on the fascinating function of our whole being!

The act of continuous observation of thoughts takes us to a point of searching for thoughts! It will be a wonderful experience! When the Mind is made an object of study, we spontaneously land our awareness on the path of infinity! In other words, we find ourselves on the path of hitherto unexplored mental territory.

A sense of adventure creeps in and our conscious Mind gains enthusiasm to go farther and farther into the depths of Thoughts and to the bottom of the functions of our Mind. Questions crop up concerning the reality of the origin of Mind and its influence and impact on the very existence of human life!

We experience deeper interest and are compulsorily drawn to go deeper into our selves! This is the state of beginning of Meditation!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Focus! Now this is a powerful word! Most of us focus with an intensity of our own! The Mind is the driver, but most of us consider our Mind as the sole driver in our act of focusing. We consider the focus is also driven by the Will power. Are the Mind and Will Power one and the same? Or do they originate from different sources?
How much of Mind power is combined with the Will power for performing different actions of human beings? Can the ratio of the act of Will and Mind be measured? Are they really a combination? Or do we assume that the Mind needs the Will to perform actions of varying degrees of intensity? Do circumstances of daily existence influence the intensity of the Will power generated thereby influencing the very actions of humans. What are these functions? What is responsible for these functions? Do the type of food one consumes has any impact on the thought patterns, the intensity of focus of thoughts and the consequence of the Will power? What process is to be followed to arrive at an analysis of these factors and to identify that which is real and acting on the human Mind? Let us continue this analysis a bit later.