Progress on the path of study of Nature can be speeded up by employing our physical body. This is called as Sadhana! Without the physical body, no study of human consciousness is possible! Hence, the physical body is the medium through which all knowledge is attained!
Sadhana involves cultivating even breathing. The breath of life is a well known phrase. The breath holds the key to unravel knowledge!
One should start practicing even and systematic breathing specially in the early morning hours.
This exercise at the break of dawn gives very fast results!
Practice of even breathing is called Pranayama! Regular practice of Pranayama purifies the body and prepares our Mind and consciousness to become more and more receptive to Nature!
Pranayama is so powerful that all negetive thoughts combined with impatience is burnt instantly.
Physical afflictions are burnt and weeded out in no time! The body weight is reduced and feeling of light, fresh and energetic results.
Control over our emotions is experienced. One grows patient and calm in daily interactions in society. The Brain grows sharper. Character and thought process undergoes a drastic change for the better.
The urge to go deeper and deeper grows and concentration on our daily activities sharpens furthur.
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