This is an exposition based on personal study and assimilation over a long period of time. The reading and study of the posts have a transforming effect to evolve as a better human being who respects and loves all in creation.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Well, One very, very essential quality is Courage!
Courage to be Truthful all the time and under all circumstances!!
Only a coward will rely on all that is false.
Many of us tell lies to avoid momentary loss and suffering. We evade and lie for small reasons.
If telling truth hurts or we feel ashamed, we lie thinking we can save our self honour by momentarily telling a lie.
This is the greatest mistake anyone can commit. On the other hand we must own up our mistakes and seek forgiveness from the other person. At the same time we must resolve that we will never lie henceforth.
If we follow truthfulness every moment in our life, there is no necessity to pray!!
The fact is, all prayer we offer reaches truth! One who is truthful, pure and simple is as good and powerful as the highest power any one has ever seen or heard or experienced!
If man suffers as a consequence of a wrong he has committed, he must be courageous enough to own up and suffer and resolve not to repeat the same mistake.
You can try it out! make a resolve -"Henceforth I will be courageous and shall be truthful. I will not lie or hurt anyone like a coward. I am ashamed to act like a coward, come what may"!!
Try this for a month and I will assure you, miracles start happening in your lives continuously!!
Come let us tread the path of TRUTH like a Lion!!
We find our Mind drops all reservations and enters an enthusiastic mood in their presence. Ever wondered why this happens?
This happens because our Mind is released at that moment from applying too much of logical thoughts involving complicated calculations and responds to the child spontaneously!
Spontaneity is the secret of liberation from all limitations!
Children are Naturally spontaneous since their Minds are UN-corrupted unlike an adult Mind.
Wherever spontaneity is present, a Natural connection happens between the Hearts. And when the Hearts are connected, Peace reigns. And where Peace reigns, Oneness happens. And when Oneness is achieved, there remains nothing more to be strived for and all progress happens automatically!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
These are questions which haunt many of us. Man is unable to get answers to these questions. And he is determined not to accept any of the answers to these questions, because they don't provide instant solutions to his problems, confusion and hardships.
Man is satisfied only when answers are received as relief from his sufferings. In other words he is happy and contented only when he is rid of his problems and suffering.
Unfortunately, Man finds that after one suffering or problem is solved, he finds himself in another problem, which needs to be attended to!
The more we try to apply our Mind to solve our problem, the more tensed we become and complications seem to multiply.
Well, when we analyse the above situation, we find the root of all confusion and suffering is our self centered attitude!!
The more we apply our Minds for satisfying our own comforts and try to lead a self centered life, the more disturbances our Mind encounters!
The simple and most effective solution is to think away from ourselves.
This is exactly what Nature teaches us. We have to focus at the whole of society when we think about actions we intend to perform for ourselves.
When we consider, what impact our actions will generate on the society around us, we are progressing towards evolving into a happy and contented and at the same time being a useful human being.
We understand the tremendous impact of our thoughts not only on ourselves, but also on others in society.
This is the reason why there are disparities in society. Nature is an equal provider but Man by his thoughts and actions generates disparities and confusion and consequently sufferings.
Well, this demonstrates the impact & power of our thoughts in our lives!
Well, can Man be a Giver? Why not! He can be a Giver. What can he Give?
Man can become a Giver, if he shares what he has with others. May be he helps a less fortunate human being
monetarily. May be he helps someone who is sick by paying for his treatment. May be he helps a poor person by buying some food and clothes and so on and so forth.
This certainly makes Man a giver and can be called compassionate. But, the question is, Is he qualified to be called compassionate?
The answer is yes, provided, he gives from his Heart without any egoistical thoughts attached to it.
Many people in our society consider it a fashion to donate! They invite the press and the act is published along with photographs in the Newspapers.
For some this is routine business and a way of life. Well this act of giving does not amount to Giving at all!
Only when Giving happens without the knowledge of others and the act is carried out of real love for others, the giving qualifies as Real Giving.
And what is the result of Real Giving?
Well as many of us have experienced, Nature showers such people with Abundance of Abundance!
Nature does not publish what she gives everyone!!
This is why, It is important human beings should look towards Nature for all guidance.
What does this mean? It simply means he is a combination of what he is as well as what he is not!
In other words Man does not know his real self!!
Why this is so? because Man does not care to know and at times if he comes to know of his real self, he carelessly ignores the revelation, Nature offers him out of its magnanimous gifts.
All ills in society is due to this reason. Hence, it is critical, Man turns to Nature for its varied blessings and opens his eyes with a heart full of love and compassion towards every one.
Man is created with a compassionate heart. But Man relies more on his Mind to lead his every day life.
Every one knows that human Mind is a bundle of uncontrollable and emotional thoughts. And only with the help of a calming and healing Nature, Man can live as a sane and compassionate person.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The external Nature is a great Inspiration! This is the reason we are advised to take a deep breath. In other words, we drink-in Nature and assimilate it by the power of our Receptivity.
Great Yogis call this as Pranayam!
In this process, what is thrown out is positive thoughts filled with love and compassion and feeling of Oneness in the entire cosmos!
This is the Secret of all breathing exercises. We have to drink-in Nature with awareness putting all our sense organs together. By this action, all impurities inside the human body is burnt instantly and pure energy is created which flows through our Nervous System to the Brain.
The Brain after receiving this pure energy from the Cosmos functions with Renewed Power and all Creativity is unleashed!!
Unless you experience this, you will never believe what I am going to reveal now!
The moment Nature connects to us, She takes care to wake us up early in the morning!
The Mind undergoes a drastic revolution! The individual is drawn to a path of strict discipline of self effort to achieve greater and greater awareness of the core of Nature. The body undergoes the process of purification. All extra fat, toxins and poisons are burnt and eliminated. The Mind becomes razor sharp.The words uttered are straight, sharp, direct and filled with power. The individual wills to transform others into their pure selves.He does not tolerate false and irresponsible behavior.
People living close to the person, unable to understand what he is going through will create a non-cooperative attitude.
But as time passes, the individual settles down with brilliant intelligence and a caring personality. He becomes compassionate and understands the problems of people in society. He makes every effort to reach out to anyone and everyone who is in need. Even plants respond to his touch and his presence in their midst.
Such a person need not even utter any words. His mere presence is assuring, calm, healing and loving !!
Well Nature has gifted us with countless blessings! Each one of us are blessed time and again, by Nature. How many of us realise that Nature is witness to every thought, word and deed of each one of us? It is true! Many of us have experienced of Nature's presence in all our lives.
This fact comes to light when we experience bad times. Because at these times we look up for help and solace.
Some of us don't realise this fact because we are immersed in selfish thoughts, ideas and actions in our daily lives.
On analysis, we understand that the bad times we experience is Nature's way of reminding us that we have erred in our actions and need to correct ourselves.
We also realise, each one of us exist because, someone from somewhere comes to our assistance time and again. This is Nature's course of educating us that we can exist only as part of Nature which comprises everyone and everything around us.
Man lives as a sane being because Nature has created many things to give us company.
It does not mean that Man has to keep constant company of someone or something.
It is to make us realise the need to return to calmness after experiencing company in our daily activities.
Periodic calm and observing silence energises our whole body, Mind and Soul to live a joy filled life.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Inspiration is the result of responsible attitude. Many are concerned with only self progress.
All education, one pursues in most cases is for acquiring wealth and prosperity. Many of the pursuits of self satisfaction can also be at the cost of sacrificing our self evolution which is expected from society.
Society expects responsible attitude from its citizens by way of ethical and responsible behaviour which can happen when Man pursues and encourages creative activities.
The policies of individuals and association of groups of individuals in society compromise the basic ethical human principles for the sake of material benefit and satisfying the greed of self.
When such compromises take place with complete awareness, human beings lose the blessings of Nature. Their achievements do not contribute to the society at large in a positive manner; the achievements are self centred and aimed at self prosperity.
Such actions result in fostering selfishness and non-creative people who do not contribute any good to society.
Activities which are aimed at only gaining for self becomes the basis and the foundation for self destruction. This is the reason Man feels sorry and ill when he grows old and will be filled with regrets rather than contentment.
We judge others with our limited knowledge and experience. As a result many talented people suffer.
As human beings, each one of us have to encourage creativity in others in any way possible.
In our own limited capacity and awareness, we must contribute towards furthering all creative thoughts and activities of others in society.
This is the only way, we can attract Nature's blessings for our own progress and prosperity in every field of our actions.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Time flows, Age advances, Intelligence develops as a result of continuous experiences, thoughts slow down due to pain, suffering and advancing age, caution steps in, observation begins which leads to analyses,introspection and contemplation, the Mind retreats into bouts of helplessness and Silence, Sight focuses on Nature, Ego subsides, Surrender happens and the journey into Nature and Consciousness has begun!!
Flowers, tiny, small, big and huge with colours a delight to behold. Fruits so varied big and small in all colors and shapes so sweet to taste.
Grass green and thin, sharp and long grow everywhere. Trees with stems thick and thin, smooth and rough shoot up from earth.
Birds chirping at dawn and dusk add sound to silence. Breeze blowing, whispering and mingling with all, not to forget countless scents of plants, trees, flowers and fruits and all offered to Man who is receptive to Nature to savour and as if reminding him to return to Nature with feelings of love and joy.
Who would want to miss this beautiful Nature but the one who has bound himself with the illogical but logical Mind!!
Therefore Time should not be wasted in order to open our hearts. The heart has to be opened this very moment so that the inner journey towards the Nature of human consciousness can commence.
Questions receive Answers but the Answers will be bereft of the power of experience. The journey is to be experienced and not described or clarified to satisfy or answer the illogical but logical Mind
Looking up to Nature means being receptive to Nature all the time. Receptivity is achieved by opening our heart. When the heart is open, the Mind falls behind. But if the heart is closed, the Mind takes over and when this happens, Mans ends up trying to get out of one problem after another.
Therefore, an open heart is very essential to traverse the path of human consciousness.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Well the infinite source can be called the Universal Mind, whose tiny fraction of power is embedded in the human consciousness. When the human consciousness gets connected to this universal Mind, all power is unleashed and the whole human body turns into a living and moving carrier and disperser of all powerful cosmic consciousness energy. Such a human being is capable of giving life to a body which is dead. Such is power of the Universal consciousness.
Every human being can start this journey to get connected to this ultimate power source of Nature. All one has to do is to live ones life with compassion and love towards all.
If one can tread this path of Universal Love, such an individual becomes a virtual Magnet and Nature cannot resist but give connection to itself to the individual.
The Key to develop as a Universal Magnet is held by Nature itself!!
So, we can only take the first step by entertaining pure thoughts which are nothing but Love and Compassion.
In our consciousness? Where is our consciousness? Deep within Nature? Where is Nature?
How do we connect to Nature? What is the Characteristic of Nature? How do we identify the first step that leads us up into the realms of Nature? How do we open up to experience the journey?
Now, Now, are you able to notice what's going on?
Well, its our logical Mind which is attempting to travel into the realms of Nature. And what is the result? It is totally misleading us into believing that the logical & reasoning Mind is capable of initiating a journey into the human consciousness.
And the result is crystal clear! Mind has very very limited power!!
Only Nature has the power to enlighten us and it does this work silently surpassing the logical Mind! What a revelation!!
For a person who has taken the first step to explore the secrets of human consciousness, there is a small gift of awareness granted by Nature, by which he is slowly and steadily alert to the eruption of various emotions and witnesses his experiences and analyses them with an open mind.
In other words, the logical thinking faculty is ignited and grows in strength. But one has to be very careful when logic dominates. For logic is the foundation for the human ego. And ego is a great misleader away from logic itself.
Once logical thought process is very active, mind you not just active, but very active, it is advisable to rely on the heart.
All actions must be implemented through the heart. This is where the compassionate character will help one to be anchored in Nature
The thought process deepens and the cells in our brain get aroused from lethargy. Nature charges the cells of the brain and ignites curiosity. Once the seeds of curiosity is sown, there is no looking back. The person develops the power of thinking logically, scientifically, artistically, positively,beautifully and with complete authority.
The thought process happens without a pause and the thoughts flow like an uninterrupted river gracefully.
The words gain clarity and power. Words uttered carry weight and meaning. None of the uttered words go waste and carries numerous meanings which can be interpretted in hundreds of ways. This denotes the power of Infinity.
This is the precious moment when accessing the centre of our consciousness is easy and fast.
The Physical body is tuned at this hour in totality to Nature and the contact is smooth and fast. The journey proceeds at a fast pace and one grows in awareness of the Natures centre point with ease. Transformation happens spontaneously and speedily. One experiences deep peace and all creativity surfaces.
The journey of identification of oneness with Nature starts and life becomes a joy.
Is it possible to identify this ultimate centre?
Yes it is ! Like a coffee taster identifies the best variety by sipping a number of varieties , one will identify the ultimate centre or the source by the experience one undergoes the moment he has touched the source.
The ultimate source is a power of energy and this energy has a tremendous impact on the consciousness of the person and he can witness the transformation his thought process undergoes as a consequence of touching the source in his exploration.
Friday, July 24, 2009
To demonstrate, read my posts either from the top post or from the one at the bottom.
You will be surprised that the matter gets connectivity in any direction you choose to read.
Even if you choose to read from the middle and proceed downwards and then come upwards, you will find the sequence quite connecting.
This is what I have mentioned earlier. That the study of consciousness is a study into infinity.
Further, the same paragraphs throw up different meanings and deeper insight when read and re-read. Try it out. You will be surprised and you will agree with me.
Well, This proves that this subject is infinite and one can go on and on and the travel deepens.
Hence it is very important that one purifies oneself by treading the path of TRUTH, which will make us enlightened very fast.
As pointed out earlier, a life filled with love, Truth and compassion will energise us with tremendous amount of cosmic energy and give us an experience of peace and contentment.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Why does this subject create an interest in us? Why do we wish to find out what is human consciousness? Is our Mind curious about certain subjects? Certain words? What generates interest in us to know more? Is our Mind getting energised to react by showing interest to explore certain subjects? What exactly ignites the brain to show and express curiosity about anything. Why do we sit up instantly as a response to certain spoken words? for example a sudden news that we have won a Million dollar in prize money(If genuinely so) will make us experience surprise and joy!
There are numerous such reactions the human beings express. Where do these expressions originate from? In our Mind? How do these reactions get created? It is a wonder of wonders! Is there a complete and satisfying answer to all these questions? There are a large volumes of books written on subjects like the human physiology, the nervous system, the Brain, the different organs and their functions, how the body gets energy to function, which food generates what amount of energy, which foods create allergies, etc, etc.
But none of the sciences are able to answer what is that life force residing in the human consciousness. Mind you, residing in the human consciousness! and not within the body!
Well to find the answer to this question, we need to undertake a journey into the consciousness.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
As we advance in age and understand the trying and difficult situations in life, our Mind becomes attracted to a subject like the one we are presently discussing.
Frankly, this subject of human consciousness is best introduced at the primary school level, since the subject of Moral Science is the foundation for taking up advanced study of consciousness.
When children are taught Moral Science from the lowest grade, they develop into receptive, caring and beautiful people in society.
When the subject is taken up at an older age, it becomes a challenge for grownups to unlearn all the wrong lessons they have learnt earlier and start with a fresh and an eager mind.
Hence for an adult, the subject denotes a scaring, tough and difficult to decipher challenge to step into the study of the topic.
But in reality, the study of human consciousness is one of the easiest subjects one can choose to study.
The subject involves no memorising, no calculations to decipher any particular problem and above all a joyful and challenging assignment one undertakes by himself without any rules and compulsions.
As discussed earlier, Mind is the basic part in a human being which connects us to inner realms of our existence. Hence it is very important to take proper care of our Mind. Since Mind is an integral part of the human body, care of Mind is automatically connected to caring for the body as well.
The capabilities of the Mind can be developed fully only through a healthy body.
The body has to be made healthy to withstand the rigours of the experiences one will go through on the journey of travel into the consciousness.
The basic criteria involves, developing a flexible body with a sound Mind which should slowly and steadily be made to be satisfied with minimum basic needs.
Along with simple breathing and bending exercises, the body needs to be kept healthy, flexible and supple. Since the Mind is being trained, a healthy and simple vegetarian diet will ensure steady progress in our efforts.
As pointed out earlier, the habit of giving has to be developed. This is a very effective tool to battle the powerful ego in us.
Once the ego is checked, developing of inner awareness starts happening spontaneously. But the ego is so powerful, that it raises its head frequently and it has to be watched and has to be slowly eliminated through selfless actions like helping others in need, feeding the poor, caring for the sick in any way possible, caring for and respecting our parents, teachers, elders and loving everyone around us unconditionally.
If one can continue steadfastly with the above exercise for a long, long time, the ego takes a beating and bows its head and obeys our commands.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
As one travels on the path of purity, the impact of consequences of our thoughts gets weakened.
The power of pure thoughts reduces the impact of thoughts to ZERO which is INFINITY. In other words the thoughts are swallowed up by INFINITY and the RESULT is ZERO.
This is the thoughtless state one arrives at. This happens when Man exercises his free will to accept Nature with an open Mind and Heart.
When one reaches the zero level of thought, he is ready to travel into Infinity and the journey commences spontaneously without any effort.
He has reached a state of being a silent witness to his own existence.
The initial reaction after reaching this stage is surprise and wonder. But as time passes, the initial surprise wanes and the consciousness settles to express fluently, continuously, from the depths and realms of Infinite Nature.
Well, the most powerful tool which aids to travel deep into the subject is compassion and purity in thought word and deed.
If one practices to be pure and compassionate at all costs, Nature opens up to such an Individual with a flurry of waves; waves of bliss, happiness, deep awareness and countless other gifts.
Not only the spoken words of such a person, but also his written words have a deep impact on every person who reads his words. There is a transforming effect from these words and one can experience the truth of these words. One feels as if the words are physically touching their heart and mind. Such is the impact and power that Nature gifts an individual who is pure in thought, word and deed.
No reading of books are required to gain knowledge to such a person, since Nature is the Mother of All Knowledge.
All doubts get dissolved and all questions disappear. The individual experiences deep calm and becomes quiet, satisfied, helpful, happy and identifies himself as being one with everything in Nature.
He becomes a virtual Magnet and people are attracted to such an individual. Others feel that they have met this person earlier somewhere and drop all reservations when interacting with such an individual. One can almost see and feel the truth and purity on meeting such a person.
Now what happens to such a person. He is able to understand facts of human consciousness which an ordinary person cannot.
Each one of us can tread this path to attain higher states of awareness provided we take determined strides towards attaining purity in thought, word and deed.
We can take the first step today by turning compassionate and truthful in our daily lives. I can assure you, you will become instantly aware of the blessings of Nature, the moment you decide to take the first step.
Come let us travel to higher and higher states of awareness in our lives.
Character of an individual is the true indicator of the inner personality of a person. Character is closely connected to the individual consciousness which is influenced by the environment in which the individual lives.
The external environment is equally powerful and acts on the individual constantly.
Hence it is important to get away from the routine of daily humdrum at regular intervals in order to evolve to a better and better state of existence.
In other words the brain has to be rested periodically to make it grow to deeper states of awareness.
Therefore, the human brain is the window through which deeper states of awareness can be viewed and finally experienced.
The human mind needs to be applied constantly to look through and at deeper and deeper states of awareness.
Monday, July 20, 2009
This indicates the extent to which the journey of human conscious has evolved. The journey has progressed to deeper and deeper levels taking us closer and closer to the source of all consciousness.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Progress is the face of Nature. In other words Nature flows like an eternal river. To understand the flow of Nature the brain needs to be receptive. To be receptive one needs to be patient. To be patient, Nature assists by throwing up experiences by way of events in our lives. Events and experiences moulds the human mind.
Man understands these experiences after a lapse of time. In other words past experiences is the foundation for devoloping patience.
But in reality, progress can be compared to Today growing into tomorrow. When tomorrow dawns, It becomes today for that day. In other words these changes is actually witnessed by our conciousness.
The Time is Eternal and unchanging. But Man's limited conciousness witnesses change since it is incapable of being eternally aware.
Now this is unfathomable to the ordinary man.
Who can undertake a journey into the human consciousness?
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The biggest source of inspiration is Nature!!
One who observes, mind you, One who observes Nature, benefits the most. Every knowledge required for complete evolution and transformation of human conciousness is readily available and accessible in Nature.
Nature means every vision that we see the moment we open our eyes. Nature does not mean only the Open plains, Mountains, Valleys, Trees, the Sea, etc.
Nature comprises every thing that is visible to our eyes, the cities, the traffic, the streets, people, animals, trees, activities of people at homes and offices, etc, etc.
As we steadily view the whole of Nature as truly as mentioned above, we will be surprised at our own progress in every field of our activity.
Our Brain gets tuned to Nature without any effort and all creativity is unleashed at jet speed.
All negetivities gets substituted with possitivity since Nature is sum total of negetive and possitive and the result is a balanced possitive state which is attained spontaneosly.
Monday, July 13, 2009
There are times when thoughts flow continuously. And there are also instances when no words can be found to express.
The Mind seems to go blank. Most of us have experienced such a situation.
This gives rise to the important question- Where do thoughts come from?
Assuming that our Brain which we call as Mind is the source of thoughts, what happened to the Brain or the Mind during instances of thought failure or the so called Memory failure.
Sometimes the Brain or the Mind is called as a Reservoir of thoughts. If it is truly so, there must be continuous flow of thoughts without any interruption. But there are instances when no words are found to express. In other words, Man is dumbfound.
This happens when thoughts originate from the ego. Ego is nothing but assumptions- of knowledge, the all knowing attitude, self centeredness and most important unwilling to reason and to listen to others opinions who are also a part of Nature.
Is it possible to transcend this all damaging ego ? Yes, it is!
All one has to do is to think through the heart! How can one think through the heart? One might wonder. Well the secret is to be compassionate and loving towards others.
When Compassion and Love is developed in one's heart, all thoughts generated in our mind flow uninterruptedly!!!
You can try it out. You will be pleasantly surprised that it is truly so!!
So where is the true Mind? The true Mind is in our Heart! When the thoughts originating in our Brain are acted upon (or sent out ) through our Heart, thoughts so sent out get magnetised by the love and compassionate character of the Heart and thereby facilitates free flow of words from our Brain.
This is the reason Jesus and other great saints and masters propagate love and compassion. Because love and compassion opens up our heart which in-turn opens up the numerous cells in our brain spontaneously and thereby increasing our Brain's capability to understand the Secrets of Nature.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Human Mind is a Highway for thoughts which travel incessantly. Only a deep thinking Mind can identify this characteristic of the Human Mind.
Deep thinking can happen by events of life one experiences. The intensity of thoughts is directly influenced by Nature which throws up experiences to individuals.
The moment we realise that Nature is responsible for the actions of the Minds of individuals, we are released by the tentacles of wrong assumptions and analysis.
The awareness of the fact that Nature is the sole driver of the Human Mind comes from Nature itself. This happens in stages and the knowledge grows gradually.
But since Nature is the Master, we are pushed back on and off to where we were earlier in awareness of Nature.
It seems like a vicious play, Nature is enacting but over a long period of time we are slowly released from delusions of the Mind.
Like in all studies one wishes to undertake, a teacher is absolutely essential in the study and journey into consciousness.
The teacher starts from the foundation and slowly and gradually builds on to higher knowledge through proactive use of words which have a magnetic effect on the student's mind.
Hence, the progress of the journey into the human consciousness will be safe, steady and sure.
What is in command of the entire consciousness in the human beings? Is it the energy produced by intake of food? Can this energy be the consciousness in the human brain?
Well all these factors need logical pondering and when logic concludes , is the beginning of awareness of true facts.
In other words, the capability of the Human Mind is limited. But Mind is the stepping stone required to transcend and look beyond.
The first source is more often responsible for deep thoughts which force themselves out as creative or destructive expressions in a human being. This is what can be called as an urge to express.
Any observation is valid when done in the present, because only present is the truth or that which is existing for the moment. Past observations only helps to know what was but what is, is known only from the present. The future is invalid for the present since it is absent at the moment.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Can Nature lead us to understand ourselves?
The answer is a big Yes! provided we are willing to listen!
How can one listen, really?. Well listening means accepting the various experiences we go through in our lives with an open mind.
To have an open mind, we need lot of patience and a non-reactive but an active mind.
Friday, July 10, 2009
The best aids to study the human consciousness are the people we come across in our daily life, provided there is some interaction either by spoken words or even unspoken moments of our associations.
The association just happens when we wake up in the morning from bed. All subsequent sights we see like a bird chirping outside the window, people outside moving about carrying on with the mundane activity, automobiles whizzing past us, wind blowing, the leaves on the trees moving as if waving at all who look at them, people pulling their coats closer and tighter in the blowing wind, children playing, groups of youngsters moving about, etc., etc.
Our Mind registers all these sights and records them ever ready to throw up thoughts corresponding to the sight it witnesses.
Well, on introspecting our actions or inaction, it will be interesting to observe that the pilot of these actions or inactions is the human mind!
What a powerful organ the mind is in all living creatures on this planet!
Our words are an index to our minds! It will make a fascinating study to observe words spoken by people around us.