Let us examine the attributes which lead us into the depths of human consciousness.
As discussed earlier, Mind is the basic part in a human being which connects us to inner realms of our existence. Hence it is very important to take proper care of our Mind. Since Mind is an integral part of the human body, care of Mind is automatically connected to caring for the body as well.
The capabilities of the Mind can be developed fully only through a healthy body.
The body has to be made healthy to withstand the rigours of the experiences one will go through on the journey of travel into the consciousness.
The basic criteria involves, developing a flexible body with a sound Mind which should slowly and steadily be made to be satisfied with minimum basic needs.
Along with simple breathing and bending exercises, the body needs to be kept healthy, flexible and supple. Since the Mind is being trained, a healthy and simple vegetarian diet will ensure steady progress in our efforts.
As pointed out earlier, the habit of giving has to be developed. This is a very effective tool to battle the powerful ego in us.
Once the ego is checked, developing of inner awareness starts happening spontaneously. But the ego is so powerful, that it raises its head frequently and it has to be watched and has to be slowly eliminated through selfless actions like helping others in need, feeding the poor, caring for the sick in any way possible, caring for and respecting our parents, teachers, elders and loving everyone around us unconditionally.
If one can continue steadfastly with the above exercise for a long, long time, the ego takes a beating and bows its head and obeys our commands.
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