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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Is it possible to take a journey into the human consciousness? How has such a thought struck us?
Why does this subject create an interest in us? Why do we wish to find out what is human consciousness? Is our Mind curious about certain subjects? Certain words? What generates interest in us to know more? Is our Mind getting energised to react by showing interest to explore certain subjects? What exactly ignites the brain to show and express curiosity about anything. Why do we sit up instantly as a response to certain spoken words? for example a sudden news that we have won a Million dollar in prize money(If genuinely so) will make us experience surprise and joy!

There are numerous such reactions the human beings express. Where do these expressions originate from? In our Mind? How do these reactions get created? It is a wonder of wonders! Is there a complete and satisfying answer to all these questions? There are a large volumes of books written on subjects like the human physiology, the nervous system, the Brain, the different organs and their functions, how the body gets energy to function, which food generates what amount of energy, which foods create allergies, etc, etc.

But none of the sciences are able to answer what is that life force residing in the human consciousness. Mind you, residing in the human consciousness! and not within the body!

Well to find the answer to this question, we need to undertake a journey into the consciousness.

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