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Monday, July 20, 2009

A journey is nothing but movement. Everything in this world which our mind comprehends is in constant motion. In fact the very function of comprehension denotes activity. Where there is no activity, there is no consciousness or comprehension. But comprehension also is known to take place even when consciousness is absent. For example, a person's internal organs function even when outer consciousness is absent in case of an accident. Science explains this as action of the brain and the nervous system. Science has also gone deeper and has thrown light on neurons which transmit nerve impulses. Now this is a very important discovery. The whole thought process is actually part of the human consciousness which is nothing but a continuous series of impulses similar to flashes of light responsible for the life force, we call as consciousness. Both light and heat combined produces the life force. It can also be said that the life force is made up of both light and heat.

This indicates the extent to which the journey of human conscious has evolved. The journey has progressed to deeper and deeper levels taking us closer and closer to the source of all consciousness.

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