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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Let us examine the aids for travelling deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the human consciousness.
Well, the most powerful tool which aids to travel deep into the subject is compassion and purity in thought word and deed.
If one practices to be pure and compassionate at all costs, Nature opens up to such an Individual with a flurry of waves; waves of bliss, happiness, deep awareness and countless other gifts.
Not only the spoken words of such a person, but also his written words have a deep impact on every person who reads his words. There is a transforming effect from these words and one can experience the truth of these words. One feels as if the words are physically touching their heart and mind. Such is the impact and power that Nature gifts an individual who is pure in thought, word and deed.

No reading of books are required to gain knowledge to such a person, since Nature is the Mother of All Knowledge.

All doubts get dissolved and all questions disappear. The individual experiences deep calm and becomes quiet, satisfied, helpful, happy and identifies himself as being one with everything in Nature.

He becomes a virtual Magnet and people are attracted to such an individual. Others feel that they have met this person earlier somewhere and drop all reservations when interacting with such an individual. One can almost see and feel the truth and purity on meeting such a person.

Now what happens to such a person. He is able to understand facts of human consciousness which an ordinary person cannot.

Each one of us can tread this path to attain higher states of awareness provided we take determined strides towards attaining purity in thought, word and deed.

We can take the first step today by turning compassionate and truthful in our daily lives. I can assure you, you will become instantly aware of the blessings of Nature, the moment you decide to take the first step.

Come let us travel to higher and higher states of awareness in our lives.

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